
We see

People of different ethnicities and worldviews that coexist in rural areas and put their knowledge in value. We see Creoles and indigenous people, living together in harmony.

The rural areas develop economically by the creative force of its inhabitants, who reach the urban public with products and services of global quality, good, healthy, beautiful. We see the flow of goods and services to and from the territory.

The leaders  willing to be surprised, that they link and manage the different forms of access to reality.

Different social groups and people, thrive in institutions, developing  the capacities to be empathetic, solidarity, network, entrepreneurs and responsible, sustainable and competitive.

We see

Local knowledge  articulating with scientific know-how, generating new productive systems.

Organized producers, managing the entire value chain. We see people accessing and managing new information and communication technologies.

Women and men taking care of the environment together and producing, with the same rights and opportunities.

People working in teams in different places exchanging knowledge, flavors and taste. We see people who take care of their life, their consumption, their environment, their pleasure, knowing that the elements of our Mother Earth are finite.

People constantly developing their creativity.

Happy people, beautifying the world.

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